Get Started
After browsing through our website, reading stories and testimonials and determining if your pet has what it takes, are you ready to start the process of becoming a Therapy Animal team? The path to becoming a registered Therapy Animal team consists of the following steps:
Step 1: Training
Learn the skills needed to visit safely with your animal in hospitals, nursing homes, classrooms, and other facilities. Successful completion of this course is required for registration as a Therapy Animal team.
Step 2: Application Packet
Complete the registration and evaluation form packet.
Step 3: Testing
The Team Evaluation process evaluates the animal/handler team, how well the handler interprets and manages the animal's behavior, and how well the animal responds to the handler. This is a required step on your way towards becoming a registered Pet Partners Animal Team.
Step 4: After Testing
We are here to guide and mentor you as you begin visiting with your pet. You will be given the option of joining Pet Partners of Greater Cincinnati, and you will have the opportunity to purchase merchandise such as a vest for your pet, or shirts, etc. Once you decide on the facilities you'd like to visit, you will be assigned a mentor who will help you to get started.
Training (this training is offered to help prepare for Pet Partners evaluation)
Learn the skills needed to visit safely with your animal in hospitals, nursing homes, classrooms, and other facilities. Successful completion of this course, in instructor-led or online format, is required for registration as a Therapy Animal team.
Complete the course in the following format:
Attend a Workshop (without your dog)
All of our workshops are taught by experienced Therapy Animal team instructors who bring to each class many years of experience in Therapy Animal team work that is integrated into the workshop's content. Our workshops are held several times a year at different locations throughout Cincinnati (see the calendar for dates and locations). These workshops are for handlers only. No pets please. The instructor or another group volunteer will have a registered Therapy Pet with them (the "demo dog") so that you may see an experienced team in action. Check the Upcoming Events for an upcoming Therapy Animal team Workshop, or contact us at for more information.
You and your pet must successfully complete the Pet Partners Therapy Animal team Evaluation. The Team Evaluation process is conducted by a licensed Team Evaluator and is intended to evaluate the animal/handler team, how well the handler interprets and manages the animal's behavior, and how well the animal responds to the handler. You will learn about the evaluation process in great detail at our workshops.
Unlike obedience competitions, you and your animal do not have to perform the exercises with precision to pass the evaluation. You are also encouraged to talk to your animal during the entire evaluation. The main emphasis is that the animal is under control. One of the goals of the Therapy Animal teams program is to ensure that we can all be proud of the visiting teams because they are safe and reliable.
The evaluation process gives a complete picture of each handler/animal team. This process is the safest way to identify acceptable visiting teams. At no time will your animal be put in a situation that is dangerous to the animal's welfare. The licensed Team Evaluators are trained and know that the well-being of animals comes first, no matter what. At no point during the evaluation will animals be hurt or intentionally frightened. The test is designed to resemble situations that might occur when the animal goes on a visit. If you are uncomfortable with or unsure of what is going on during the evaluation, please let the evaluator know. You are encouraged to be your animal's advocate.
The complete list of requirements for handlers, pets, equipment, etc. will be reviewed in detail during your workshop or class.